Pics from Clutha

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Phoebe and me on Phoebe's 17th birthday!
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Peter and Caleb at Sarah's birthday dinner
Sarah and our present (a photo printer!)
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Sarah's 31st birthday cake

Sarah's birthday

Eliza and Sam
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Malachi and Sam's new bunks
Malachi fixing the bunk with the monkey wrench
Autumn in Khandallah
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Saturday, May 05, 2007

The wonderful rocket birthday cake - Elliot drew this rocket and it was on his invitation so Emma transposed it onto a cake!

Present opening, lots of lego, transformers and a scooter!
The party!!!
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The ubiquitous pass the parcel game!!
Rope climbing
Rope swings!
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Caleb hired the Khandallah Scout Hall and had an obstacle course set up for them!

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Elliot having morning tea with us after rugby and getting his Lego star wars birthday present!

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