Pics from Clutha

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sophie on her way to Napier Airport to pick up JP!!
Sophie & JP after an afternoon nap enjoying the summer sun
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Friday, December 28, 2007

Jo and Chris
Chloe with Eliza and Elliot
Eliza's Princess tent
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Chris and Caleb playing tennis
Playing Cranium!
Lunch on the terrace
Soph, Eliza and Elliot
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas morning 2007

Christmas Eve
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Christmas morning

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Christmas lunch - so yummy!!!
Christmas lunch

Elisabeth & Sophie

Chris Elliot Chloe Eliza & Elisabeth Christmas morning
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Elliot Caleb and Peter Christmas Day 2007

Elliots drawing

Sophie Christmas morning

Elliots new watch
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Monday, December 24, 2007

Sophie with new cake tin for Christmas
Malachi and Sam in their new tent!
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The pool

Lunch on the terrace
The Christmas tree decorated
The tree before we bought it
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sarah and Peter
Sophie Elisabeth Elliot Sam Malachi and Eliza
Nan reading to Sam Elliot Malachi
Reuben and Christmas tree
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Emma's birthday cake
Christmas celebration
The kids waiting for dinner!
Soph and Reuben
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